Benji and Reggie Dynamics in Sag Harbor

Benji 'n' Reggie  

  In Sag Harbor, Benji and Reggie seem to start out acknowledging their past summers together where they were always together. In the past if someone was looking for one, they knew that they would be together. They were called Benji 'n' Reggie and Reggie 'n' Benji and they came as a 2 for one pack but this was all until high school. Benji had started to go to high school and then Reggie decided that he didn't want to go to the same school for high school. This was the start of the separation for them, their coming of age separation.

When they go out to Sag Harbor for the summer, Benji and Reggie aren't as close and they have different ideas and styles. Reggie has these white shoes that he's focused on cleaning and Benji could care less about shoes. Reggie also gets a job at Burger King pretty quickly in the summer before Benji even thinks to get a job. These differences started to pull them apart and suddenly it just wasn't the same dynamic anymore. This was due to a variety of reasons, one of the main ones was growing up though. They had started to change interests, had different work schedules, and had different close friends. Though Benji did still yearn to be close to Reggie and was still protective over him. In Sag Harbor, it says "Reggie said, "Me and Bobby are a mini-team because we've been practicing together," and I was appalled. We'd never not been a mini-team, what with the whole "Benji 'n' Reggie, Benji 'n' Reggie" singsong thing through the years (pg. 183). This quote shows how Benji wasn't over the closeness they used to have and seems to want that back. Reggie doesn't seem to want to be with his brother on a team and never mentions anything about Benji. Though there is separation between the brothers which is normal for the stage in life they are at, they still both do seem to care about each other. Benji doesn't want Reggie to get hurt in the BB gun fight even goes to the effort to make sure that Reggie has work so he can't go. Then on the opposite side after Benji gets hurt in the BB gun fight, Reggie is right there for him to take him home and tries to make the other guys take Benji to the hospital because of how bad the injury is. In Sag Harbor, it says "Reggie grabbed my arm and wanted to know if I was all right. I hadn't heard his voice like that in a long time" (pg. 185-186). This quote shows how Reggie still cares even though he hasn't really expressed that in a while. 

Though they seem to have more separation now, it is obvious that both sides still care about each other. They both want to make sure the other is safe. The change in their relationship is due to growing up but as they continue to grow I am sure they will become closer again. Benji does miss it being him and Reggie all the time but it will be good for him to expand his friend horizon to grow up outside of just his family. Reggie also still cares for Benji but has a different style, and behavior so I think that just creates distance between them since he has other friends and a different school life. Changes like these in sibling dynamics are normal and just happen when growing up. I do believe that Reggie looks up to Benji still though as we can see when he wants to buy the BB gun which is something Benji was first interested in. Overall, Benji and Reggie's relationship may have changed but deep down they still have that care and empathy for each other. 

Quotes from Sag Harbor by: Colson Whitehead


  1. I feel like Benji and Reggie haven't seperated, really. They are still as emotionally connected and deeply care for each other, but they are growing into their own individual people with differing interests. Reggie doesn't differ from Benji because he hates him or wants to differ from him, but because he is finding his own individual interests. Nice post

  2. Nice post, Kara! I agree with Joey that although they are separating, they're emotional connection is not necessarily diminishing. They have to have their own separate coming of age journeys and self discovery. I think that having this separation is an important part of many coming of age journey's.

  3. I agree that the reason we see Reggie and Benji artificially drift apart is because the two of them are feeling the pressure to grow up and start acting like adults. They want start defining their own idenitities rather than exisiting as one which leads them to clash a little bit, but like you said this doesn't mean they don't care about each other. It's fine for the two of them to experiment with who they are, but I think that a lot of the ways the two of them act and talk is in an effort to be someone they're not and in an effort to not be seen as "gay" or weak. I think that only once the two of them realize that growing up doesn't mean cutting of friends or trying to force oneself into some societally approved persona, will they finally overcome this awkward seperation phase and truly "come of age". But as you said, their relationship is strong enough that I am confident that they will move past this phase and be friends for a long time.

  4. I agree with your idea that Benji and Reggie, while not as close at the moment, are still emotionally connected. And I feel like we can still see this link in Benji's thoughts even when he doesn't see Reggie. He knows when Reggie changes his work schedule or if he was in the room because it smells like burgers and grease, and Benji still tries to look out for Reggie when they're planning the BB gun fight. Although they are physically not as close anymore, they definitely still have a close bond.

  5. I agree that although Benji and Reggie are less close than they used to be, they still have a close bond and care for each other. Despite starting to have different experiences, styles, and friends they both still look out for each other. Reggie shows great concern for Benji when he is shot with the BB. Additionally, Benji shows concern for Reggie by trying to schedule the fight for when Reggie is working. Although they may no longer be "twins" they are definitely still brothers.


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